ARCFI Central Page


Last Update 3 October 2004


ARCFI stands for "Aktion Reinhard Camps International Foundation", and is an appropriate set of initials for an international group of researchers, who collect and preserve information concerning one of history's most horrific, and secretive crimes of mass murder. "Aktion Reinhard" was the code name given to the destruction of the European Jews by the Nazis during 1942 - 1943, in the course of the Second World War. As part of this action, Jews from several European countries were killed in three death camps (Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka) and Majdanek.

This collection of information and material has grown in the past several years into an impressive body of work. New facts will be added constantly. The website will not only serve as a comprehensive reference guide, but hopefully as a source for future generations regarding the lessons to be learned from history.

ARCFI Founder Members - 2001

Johannes F., Peter L., Robin O., Michael P., William R., Chris W.

Full Members

Lukasz B., Melvyn C., Paul D., Artur H., Robert K., Peter L., Carmelo L., Cameron M., Robin O., Michael P., William R., Chris W.

Associate Members

Börje H., John U. P., Johannes S., Stephan T., Martin v.L., Timothy T.

Contributions: We are grateful to a number of people who have provided their valuable time, material and advice in order to bring the website to life.

Principle Contributors:
Jewish death camp survivors:
Thomas Blatt (Sobibor)
Richard Glazar (Treblinka )
Eliahu Rosenberg (Treblinka)
Kalman Teigman (Treblinka)
Samuel Willenberg (Treblinka)

Sir Martin Gilbert - UK
Dr. David Silberklang - Israel
Michael Tregenza - Poland
Stephen Tyas - UK
Tom Weiss - USA
Peter Witte - Germany

Tim Aspden, UK
Dr. Böhm, Sonnenstein Memorial
Dr. Borgert, Ludwigsburg Archive
Ralf Gertz, Germany
Karin Guth, Germany
C. Heinen, Düsseldorf Archive
Simone Höpfner, Germany
Dr. Hoffmann, Bernburg Memorial
Sasha Lewis, Belgium
Dr. Lilienthal, Hadamar Memorial
Rosemarie Nief, Wiener Library
Artur Podgórski, Poland
Dr. Reese, Hartheim Memorial
Struan Robertson, Germany
Dr. Schwarz, DOEW
Owen Scott, UK
T. Stöckle, Grafeneck Memorial