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Since he had personally given orders for these swindles, he did not feel very happy about this dispute. He dismissed it without discussing the matter, “giving” me 5 most urgently needed really modern machines for DAW Au. My administrative officer, Möckel, had “to settle accounts” with his department, which had also advised Pohl about supplies for Auschwitz which had either not been delivered or delivered only in negligible quantities. Promises were generously made about supplementary deliveries, but they never happened.

At that time, the chief of the SS Personnel Head Office, SS-Obergruf. v. Herff happened to be in Lublin to make the acquaintance of the officers of Gl.’s department. On this occasion Gl. showed us all his model establishments, beginning with the big collection of Jewish property in the former aircraft factory and “his” Jewish workshops, where the most hopeless articles for everyday use were produced, ranging from brushes to woven foot mats, but everything done in a way that can only be described as rubbishy. The Jews there, who had really organised it all, had seriously cheated Gl. and his officers. They created as many indispensable supervisory positions as possible for themselves and created their own businesses. This was confirmed to me later on by his staff officer Höfle.

DAW Au. = Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke Auschwitz
SS-Obergruf. = SS-Obergruppenführer
Gl. = Globocnik